Searching for bicycle assembly near me or bicycle assembly shop near me? This is where you will find the bicycle assembly service you’ve been looking for.
Just in time for Christmas
Get a House-Call to
Christmas Bike Assembly of your new Bike at Home,
in South Florida (Broward County).
If you bought a new bike gift on the internet it arrived in a big box. This can be a bit overwhelming for some people (parents especially). You may not have the best tools or time to get the job done during the holiday season. No need to search for a bicycle assembly shop near me anymore.
Can I be your
“Bike Hero?”
Give me a call or email to schedule a house-call. I’ll get the job done quick for you. And best of all… You set the price. Yep, thats right. You only pay what you feel our time is worth to you. It dosen’t get more honest than that!
Hi, I’m Joel LikeCatcher. I’ve been repairing and upgrading all kinds of bikes, trikes, and recumbent bikes for over 20 years. Dosen’t matter if your bike arrived in multiple boxes, or rolled in from a local bike shop. I can help you get your bike to ride best for you and your family.
Boxed Bike
Custom Assembly & Fitted Bike
Click below to see our video on the assembly of this young man’s new bike
Call for Quick Bicycle Assembly
Call me at 754-200-1884, or email me at [email protected]
to schedule your House Call quick.
Our time is only limited by the number of
people who call to schedule first.
Searching for bicycle assembly near me or bicycle assembly shop near me? This is where you will find the bicycle assembly service you’ve been looking for.